Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Fool's

Happy April Fool's Day!

Luckily I haven't had any jokes pulled on me today....yet! The day is not over though.

Well another week has flown by and I apologize because I don't sign on here enough. One of these days I will be blogging everyday!

I watched the show I can make you thin...I had mixed feelings about his tips that he had to lose weight....but if you want some more motivation I'd check it out.

This last week wasn't too bad for me except that I did gain a pound...so now I'm at 188. I need to get back on track! I have been drinking lots of water and being more conscious of how much I'm eating. I still can't seem to get enough fruits and veggies in during the day. It's very hard. Yesterday was a really bad day. I had Arby's because I was on the run and if you know me....I don't eat fast food really. Then John and I went to the movies to see Horton Hears a Who (very cute!) and we ate some popcorn. But today was much better..I ate oatmeal and Subway. Tonight we're going to a friend's restaurant that opens today...mexican food so I'm sure I can find something that isn't too bad.

Hope everybody is doing great! I am waiting patiently on warm weather. This weekend we are going to a Cub's game and then on a pub crawl for St. Jude....both are on Saturday....LONG day!

Quote of the day: OK, admit. There are a couple of dumb questions.

What kind of April Fool's jokes do you do to your friends and family?

Have a great week everybody!! Hope to hear from you! I also plan on cooking more at home even though there seems to be no time or groceries get too expensive..but I know it's healthier.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Hey Crista, Thx for the comment on my blog. So you said you were in a slump... my advice: Stay on plan for 1 full week and exercise (moderatly if you are just starting off) 3 times in the next week. In one week re-evaluate how you are feeling...chances are you will feel a lot better than the week before, and then you can get more motivated. Look at this weight loss in smaller chunks then the "I Need to lose X amount of weight" then it is more manageable.
P.S. I am happy to see you are back blogging again!
Good Luck and Keep on Bloggin'