Saturday, June 21, 2008

weekend post!!

WOW...yes I'm able to post on the weekend. I ran some updates on my computer finally and actually turned it on over the weekend so I thought I'd make a post since I'm online.

Things are good on my end...even though I had a few slip-ups this week...I mean I stayed on points but I wasn't too happy with the food choices..I wasn't really getting enough water, fruits, or veggies, but managed to stay on I don't think it was the best week for me honestly!! But I'm not letting it get me down because I was happy for the fact of my points for the week!! :)

We once again had a busy week and are in the middle of a busy weekend. Wednesday we returned to Melting Pot for dessert..OMG!! amazing...we had the cheese (spinach artichoke) and the dessert (original) There were strawberries, bananas, brownies, rice krispie treats (my fav), oreo covered marshmallows, graham cracker oreos, and a slice of cheesecake!!! yes least I had some fruit in there right..hahahaha...

I did review a few of my menus for the past few weeks and I'm happy to say that John and I have been doing great with not going out to bars as often as we used to so that means less cocktails or unnecessary points...but I do know it's getting nice outside so the outside beer gardens are one of my favorite things in the summer!!

Today we are going to shopping for my friend's niece's 1st b-day and john's nephew's birthday..both of which are being celebrated tomorrow of course...I haven't had a lot to eat today but I'm guessing john will want to go out to eat tonight but we'll see....I have been watching cookie shows here and there all week and I'm hooked!!! I love watching people's ideas...

Everybody have a fabulous weekend...and I'm going to work on my water intake mostly this week as well as the fruits/veggies!!

Monday, June 16, 2008

June, June, June

I am sorry that I have been MIA....June is SOOOO busy...john's family has three birthdays, we have our anniversary, and there is father's day. On top of all that...there are tons of graduation parties. So I'm sorry I haven't been on here in a week.

With all that being said...things have been going well for me though! Even though there are lots of temptations at parties..I keep snacking to a minimum and try to snack on the veggie or fruit trays at all the parties. My schedule has been off a little bit since the parties are at odd times so i am just eating set meals on the weekends which stinks sometimes.

Our anniversary was this past Wednesday..he surprised me with roses of course..then we went to watch the cubs game at a sports bar. Friday was the big surprise..he took me to Melting Pot. It's a fondue's unbelieveable..I loved it. We didn't have room for dessert so he's taking me back this week so we can enjoy that. I saved up points for Friday since I knew we were going out..but I still went over. The food was great though we had cheese and I mainly dipped the apples and the veggies and tried to stay away from the bread. Then we had a mushroom salad with a vinegarette..YUM. The main course had shrimp, salmon, filet, tenderloin, and chicken that you cooked yourself. There were also veggies that came with it that added great flavor to the meal. It was a big expensive too but it was such a cool experience and would definately go back.
Has anybody ever been there???

We had a graduation party and a birthday party saturday. Sunday we saw john's dad and my we have been BUSY! Another weekend down in june...phew

Other then that I have been eating pretty healthy..I did not drink as much water as I wanted to over the weekend but I stayed away from drinking beer at the parties..or even pop. I don't drink pop...recently I started drinking diet pop because it can be hard at some places..but that's about it.

Enjoy your week everybody!!! Sorry I was MIA!! But at least I stayed on track with everything..I couldn't tell you the last time I turned on my computer at home...otherwise I'd be on here a lot more..I just blog when I have a minute or two at work.

Keep up the great work!!!!!!!

Quote of the day: Realize your potential, and teach to theirs.

Monday, June 9, 2008

crazy weekend

All weekend was rainy, hot, and even tornados around...not fun especially when my schedule was packed with parties!!! Yes packed...Friday we didn't do anything because we had too much going on the rest of the weekend. Saturday John worked during the day while I cleaned the WHOLE house..I was sweating but it was good...i felt great afterwards. Then we went a graduation of the three we had that day..we only made it to one..the rest of my family split up and made appearances at the other's way too hard to make it to all of them!

Sunday we had two birthday parties....surprise ones at for my uncle who turned 50 and one for John's dad..of course they weren't near each we also did lots of driving this weekend. I will say..i was VERY happy with myself this weekend with my food choices at all three was very hard to stay on track but I did great! I estimated on points..but I figure even if I'm off I at least counted some that's what matters.

I also drank lots of water at the parties since it was so hot all weekend. I have also been drinking lots of water today so far..not as much as I want to (2L a day is my goal) but I have been sipping on it all day :)

We tried Peapod delivery for groceries on saturday..I will say...I was SOOO impressed. We just wanted to try it out since we live in a condo building and being on the 5th floor and bringing them home can be such a pain. This delivery service was fabulous...everything was soooo fresh. I ordered milk, eggs, bread, bananas, strawberries, and EVEN market day foods. The milk was colder then when I have shopped myself. They keep the cold stuff on dry ice for you until delivery..the guy even put everything in my kitchen for me to unload. Anybody else use them? what do you think?

I am excited for a healthy week since I have all this fresh food for lunches..and some for dinners. I just need to make it through all these crazy parties we have all month! But I figure if I stay on track during the week I have flex points but I have to be smart the rest of the week.

This morning I weighed myself and I didn't gain or lose...187.6 which I haven't tracked that in a while...but I know over the weekend I hopped on and it was higher so that's good that it's lower again...

have a great week everybody..stay cool and dry! Drink your water!!

Quote of the day: No put-downs. No interrupting. Now chewing gum. (Rules for the faculty meeting.)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Water, Water, Water

It's almost time for me to leave work but I thought I'd post quick.

Today has been good so far...I had subway for lunch..I was bad though and didn't eat breakfast..I know thats bad!!! I have also drank 2L of water and I'm sure I'll drink even more water tonight. WAHOO so thats awesome news for me. I am seriously considering joining Curves..if my refund/stimulus check ever comes in the said it was supposed to go out over a week ago..blah!!! My brother wants me to join lifetime fitness, but we'll see.

Last night I had mexican food so that was hard..I had a soft shell steak taco...and that was about it...snacked on a few chips...tonight I'm going with my mom to "nail night" which I have to be careful of the snacks there!!

This week is going ok though as far as staying on plan...I did use a lot of flex points already it seems but we'll see how the rest of the week goes.

Quote of the day: Don't be stingy with the hall passes; accidents happen.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Beautiful Weekend!!!

I know...I know....I haven't been blogging since is really hard for me to do it on the weekends since I usually don't even turn on my computer.

So thursday's cubs game was AWESOME..but freezing. I did have a hot dog..but I couldn't resist!! and it was SOOOOOOO good. Friday we had a 30th surprise b-day for a good friend...which was also followed by having a few drinks but i stuck to my MGD 64 lite..and I'm so sorry about those of you who said that they don't carry it where you live..because it really is good.

Saturday I went to see the movie "sex and the city" I loved it...absolutely!! i am not one to get into movies like that and I didn't even follow the show religiously or anything..if its on I'll watch it..and I do own some of the seasons but have never honestly watched them..but I definately loved the movie..did anybody see it this weekend?

Sunday we went to a BBQ..there was some really good food..some healthy and some not so healthy but I did my best..and estimated my points...

Overall, I thought my eating was pretty good all weekend...except the hot dog on Thursday at the game..and I did have McDonalds on Saturday before the movie while John was working...because I didn't feel up to cooking anything. I did drink lots of water over the weekend.

It's only a little after 10Am here and I've already almost drank 1L of water..thats pretty good for me. I have been wanting to drink water instead of having to force myself to so that is always a good thing. I found it very hard this weekend with a lot of temptations to want to slip and eat the good snacks at the BBQ. We have a lot of parties..graduation, showers, and what not in the next two months so I have to be strong!

I'm trying to plan what to do for our 2 year anniversary...and I have no idea..its coming up on the 11th this month...I also have his 25th birthday in July..I really don't know what to do...I have some ideas..but I'm still thinking......

Quote of the day:The learning and knowledge that we have is at the most but little compared with that of which we are ignorant. ~plato