Monday, May 12, 2008

I'm back

Hello All,

Once again I disappeared on sorry!!! It was hard to keep up while dog sitting which was for two weeks..then I have been just trying to catch up with stuff at home since we weren't home for two weeks.

Anyways..yes we are done dog sitting..finally!!! :) yay they did not kidnap me. I did enjoy both the cubs games that we went to. That was our payment for watching the dogs.

I have weighed in a few times since I last spoke with everybody...I did gain a few pounds...and was up to 193.2 and I weighed in yesterday morning and I am back at 188.6 which is awesome since I have been tracking my points again.

Last sunday, I went shopping at Dominick's instead of Jewel just to see how prices compared and to see what they had different. I found tons of fun new stuff...I can't remember what the line of food that I started to buy was was something along the lines of eating healthy or healthy living...has a green label. I will have to get back to you on that one. I bought lots of stuff from them though...breakfast muffins, frozen dinner which were huge..they were two servings for one box, and juice. Some were higher in points but I know that John will eat them (he's not tracking points) and he's allowed a lot more points then me he said those products were good tasting so I will definately be buying more in the future. We had a great week of bringing lunches...I had a salad most days with lots of fresh veggies.

Since yesterday was mother's day i was unable to stop at the grocery store but maybe tonight or tomorrow...even though we still have some stuff left from last shopping trip.

I have been drinking lots of water and really trying to watch what I eat. I am feeling really good.

And the SUN IS OUT today..which is awesome because yesterday I bought two pairs of sunglasses

Quote of the day: A load of books does not equal one good teacher. ~chinese proverb

Well have a great week...drink water, eat veggies, and have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Roni said...

LOL It IS the video! the toddler took your advice! ;~P

watchinmyweight said...

Hey...I'm back! I posted today. Glad to see you are back too! You are doing great!!! Keep it up...:)